Friday, February 22, 2008

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Poker Night

Gilbert: Alright, who's in?

Bill: Why should this hand be any different! I'm out.

Garry: Let me see.

Garry: I'll Check

Zack: Finally! Umm, I mean crap, well I'll raise $200.

Wilson: I wonder?

Wilson: Hey is that the episode where of Diff'rent Strokes where Arnold and Dudley visit the creepy bike shop?

Bill: What? No that's Flavor of Love.

Gilbert: How did you confuse Diff'rent Strokes for Flavor of Love? Wait! Why are we watching Flavor of Love?

Wilson: Nevermind, I raise you $500.

Gilbert: That's steep, but I can't lay this hand down, I call the $700.

Garry: FOLD!

Zack: CRAP CRAP CRAP, Ummm I fold, NO! I call, NO! ALL IN!

Gilbert: OK?!?! You only have 135 any ways. OK lay 'em down.

Zack: Two pair! Best hand I've had tonight!

Gilbert: Sorry three of a kind, I'll be taking all the money!

Wilson: Not so fast! Royal straight flush! WOO HOO! I'm back in the game!

Garry: Wait a second, that queen belongs to a different decks. YOU CHEATED!

Wilson: Whatever, you're just upset I'm winning.

Zack: Then why do you have a card in your gypsy moth/butterfly net!

Wilson: What you talkin about Willis?

Gilbert: Listen, first of all stop it with the Diff'rent Strokes references and you know the rules, if you cheat we get to beat on you.

Wilson: You can't beat me and my gypsy moth net of doom!



In the Surf

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Cameron Crazies

Sorry for the poor quality in the pictures, J-dog forgot his camera and we had to use the cell phone... next time he will feel the thunder of Gilbert.
So this is K-ville and these guys have been here since December?
Ha! Your private school money has helped you not! For I am now at the front of the line! Suck on that one time!
Put me down! We're all cool hear, I've got a space heat that you can use while you camp out, deal?
I made it in and it looks to be a good game.
Look I'm a Cameron Crazy! I'm all nimbly bimbly! WOOOO HOOO!!! Below is the video proof.